Para penggila game tentunya tidak akan luput untuk melihat perkembangan dari game, melihat beberapa game yang akan tayang pada tahun-tahun berikutnya adalah hal yang wajib untuk di teliti pasalnya bila ada game keluaran tahun selanjutnya dari game sebelumnya yang artinya seri kedua atau lanjutan dari game tersebut rilis, ini adalah sebuah kesenangan yang tak tergantikan bagi para gamers. Saya akan merangkumnya dengan simple
Mungkin agak telat dengan postingan ini tapi saya lanjutkan saja, untuk para pecinta game genre zombie tentunya tidak luput dari nama game resident evil, pada bulan ini Resident Evil 0 (zero) bangkit dari kuburan dan berbentuk HD Remaster.
- Amplitude (PS4) � January 5
- Hardware: Rivals (PS4) � January 5
- Assassin�s Creed Chronicles: India (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � January 12
- The Banner Saga (PS4, Xbox One) � January 12
- Gone Home (PS4, Xbox One) � January 12 (only release in the US � the European version has been delayed)
- Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster, and Resident Evil Origins Collection (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One � January 19
- Darkest Dungeon (PC) � January 19
- The Deadly Tower of Monsters (PC) � January 19
- A Boy and His Blob (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � January 19
- Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak (PC) � January 20
- Mario and Luigi Paper Jam (3DS) � January 22
- The Witness (PC, PS4) � January 26
- Lego Marvel�s Avengers (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One) � January 26
- Final Fantasy Explorers (3DS) � January 26
- Slain (PC) � January 27
- S�bastien Loeb Rally Evo (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � January 29
- Bombshell (PC) � January 29
- This War of Mine: The Little Ones (PS4, Xbox One) � January 29
- Rise of the Tomb Raider (PC) � January 28
Pada bulan ini yang di tunggu para pecinta naruto adalah Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, bagaimana tidak dengan beberapa adegan dan jurus-jurus baru sangat memukau, dan satu lagi dengan tema fighting yaitu Street Fighter V yang tidak kalah menantang, untuk pecinta Far Cry bulan ini adalah ajang mereka tampil dengan sangat Primal..... (Prima)
- Cobalt (PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360) � February 2
- Not a Hero (PS4) � February 2
- Crypt of the Necro Dancer (PS4, Vita) � February 2
- Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � February 5
- XCOM 2 (PC) � February 5
- Dying Light: The Following Expansion & Enhanced Edition (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � February 9
- Firewatch (PC, PS4) � February 9
- Arslan The Warriors of Legend (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � February 9
- Assassin�s Creed Chronicles: Russia & trilogy pack (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � February 9
- Unravel (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � February 9
- Gravity Rush Remastered (PS4) � February 9
- Earth Defense Force 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair (PS4) � February 12
- The Ship: Remasted (PC) � February 15
- Street Fighter 5 (PC, PS4) � February 16
- Layers of Fear (PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360) � February 16
- The Escapists: The Walking Dead (PS4) � February 16
- Tron Run/r (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � February 16
- Rainbow Moon (PS4) � February 16
- Pillars of Eternity: The White March expansion � Part 2 (PC) � February 16
- Rocket League (Xbox One) � February 17
- Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (PC) � February 18
- Fire Emblem: Fates (3DS) � February 19
- Far Cry Primal (PS4, Xbox One) � February 23
- Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � February 23
- The Walking Dead: Michonne (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One) � February 23
- Hitman Go: Definitive Edition (PC, PS4, PS Vita) � February 23
- Disgaea (PC) � February 24
- The Flame in the Flood (PC, Xbox One) � February 24
- Superhot (PC) � February 25
- Bravely Second: End Layer (3DS) � February 26 (EU)
- Soul Axiom (PC) � February 29
Fallout 4 dan The Divison para gamers menantinya bulan ini dengan gameplay yang lebih menantang dan juga seru, dan pada bulan ini juga Far Cry Primal Ver.PC rilis, saya sendiri pada bulan ini menunggu Hitman karena game hitman memang berbasis genre Stealth.
- Far Cry Primal (PC) � March 1
- Mortal Kombat XL (PS4, Xbox One) � March 1
- Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (PC) � March 1
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (Wii U) � March 4
- The Division (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � March 8
- Kholat (PS4) � March 8
- The Guest (PC) � March 10
- Deathsmiles (PC) � March 10
- Hitman � Episode 1 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � March 11
- Samurai Warriors 4 Empires (PS4) � March 11
- Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (PC, Xbox One) � March 11
- WWE 2K16 (PC) � March 11
- EA Sports UFC 2 (PS4, Xbox One) � March 15
- Salt and Sanctuary (PS4, Vita) � March 15
- Need for Speed (PC) � March 15
- Pokken Tournament (Wii U) � March 18
- Paragon (PC Early Access) � March 18
- Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (3DS) � March 18
- Fallout 4: Automatron DLC � (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � March 22
- Republique (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � March 22
- Day of the Tentacle Remastered (PC, PS4, PSVita) � March 22
- Samorost 3 (PC) � March 24
- Trackmania Turbo (PS4) � March 25
- Adrift (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � March 28
- MLB The Show 16 (PS3, PS4) � March 29
- Killer Instinct: Season 3 (Xbox One, Windows 10) � March 29
- Resident Evil 6 re-release (PS4, Xbox One) � March 29
- Minecraft: Story Mode � Episode 5 (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One) � March 29
- Hyrule Warriors Legends (3DS) � March 25
- The Descendant � Episode 1 (PC) � March 25
- Nights of Azure (PS4) � March 29
- MXGP 2 The Official Motocross Videogame (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � March 31
- Hyper Light Drifter (PC) � March 31
Wow game RPG rilis bulan ini Dark Soul 3 memang game yang wajib dimainkan dengan skill dan gameplaynya yang secara merata memang susah, dan Hitman episode 2 kini rilis lagi bulan berikutnya (bulan april). Dan Game exclusive dari console Xbox adalah Quantum Break dengan gameplay yang keren abis grafiknya tentunya sangat menarik.
- Quantum Break (Xbox One) � April 5
- Enter the Gungeon (PC, PS4) � April 5
- Dirt Rally (PS4, Xbox One) � April 5
- Dark Souls 3 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � April 12
- Destiny Spring Update (PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox One) � April 12
- Ratchet & Clank (PS4) � April 12
- Fallout 4: Wasteland Workshop DLC � (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � April 12
- Bravely Second: End Layer (3DS) � April 15 (US)
- The Banner Saga 2 (PC) � April 19
- Battlefleet Gothic: Armada (PC) � April 21
- Star Fox Zero (Wii U) � April 22
- Star Fox Guard (Wii U) � April 22
- Dungeons 2 (PS4) � April 22
- Hitman � Episode 2 Sapienza (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � April 26
- Alienation (PS4) � April 26
- Lost Reavers (Wii U) � April 28
- Yo-Kai Watch (3DS) � April 29 Europe
- Time Machine VR (PC) � April
- Pixel Privateers (PC) � Quarter 1
Ada apa dengan mulai mei? tentunya game exclusive PS4 Hadir yaitu Uncharted 4, bagi yang pernah maen seri sebelumnya pasti lebih hafal jalan ceritanya dan katanya seri ini adalah seri terakhir uncharted. Bulan ini memang sangat Exclusive game-game legendaris muncul seperti the witcher dan final fantasy.
- Battleborn (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � May 3
- Superhot (Xbox One) � May 3
- Pocket Card Jockey � (3DS) � May 5
- Uncharted 4: A Thief�s End (PS4) � May 10
- The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth (PS4, Xbox One) � May 10
- Final Fantasy 10/10-2 HD Remaster (PC) � May 12
- DOOM (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � May 13
- Disney Art Academy (3DS) � May 13
- Homefront: The Revolution (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � May 17
- Valkyria Chronicles Remastered (PS4) � May 17
- Shadow of the Beast (PS4) � May 17
- Shadwen � (PC, PS4) � May 17
- Fallout 4: Far Harbor DLC � (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � May 19
- Postal Redux (PC) � May 20
- Total War: Warhammer (PC) � May 24
- Overwatch (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � May 24
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One) � May 24
- Elite Dangerous: The Engineers (PC) � May 26
- The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine expansion (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � May 31
- One Piece: Burning Blood (PS4, Xbox One, Vita) � May 31
- Hitman � Episode 3 Marrakesh (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � May 31
- Oxenfree (PS4) � May 31
- Smite (PS4) � May 31
- Dead Island: Definitive Collection (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � May 31
Suka maen genre Detektif? bulan ini game yang di lirik adalah game Sherlock Holmes, tema jadul yang di ambil dan sedikit horror membuat alur permainan menjadi berputar-putar. Resident Evil kembali rilis dengan tema yang di ambil dari perusahaan terbesarnya Umbrella. payung...
- Hard Reset: Redux (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � June 3
- Dangerous Golf � (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � June 3
- Mirror�s Edge Catalyst (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � June 7
- Minecraft: Story Mode � Episode 6: A Portal to Mystery PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One) � June 7
- Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir (PS3, PS4, Vita) � June 7
- Kirby: Planet Robobot (3DS) � June 10
- Sherlock Holmes: The Devil�s Daughter (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � June 10
- Deadlight: Director�s Cut (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � June 21
- Pac-Man 256 � (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � June 21
- Fallout 4 Contraptions Workshop DLC � (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � June 21
- Mighty No. 9 (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U) � June 21
- Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps (PC, PS4) � June 21
- Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE (Wii U) � June 24
- Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (Wii U) � June 24
- The Technomancer (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � June 28
- The Division: DLC 1 Underground (30 days early on Xbox One and PC) � June 28
- LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens (3DS, PC, PS3, PS4, Vita, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One) � June 28
- Star Ocean 5: Integrity and Faithlessness (PS4) � June 28
- 7 Days to Die (PS4, Xbox One) � June 28
- Resident Evil 5 re-release (PS4, Xbox One) � June 28
- Inside (Xbox One) � June 29
Bagi sebagian gamers mendengar monster hunter adalah game legend dari terdahulu tapi sayangnya game ini di rilis di console 3DS wow tapi apa yang berbeda di bulan ini? tentunya sang kelelawar terbang kembali Batman: Return to Arkham.
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 (PC, PS4) � July 5
- Rocket League: Collector�s Edition retail (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � July 5
- Song of the Deep � (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � July 12
- Monster Hunter Generations � (3DS) � July 15
- Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy remaster � (PS4) � July 17
- ARK: Survival of the Fittest � (PS4) � July 19
- Kill Strain � (PS4) � July 19 (July 12 for Plus)
- I Am Setsuna (Project Setsuna) � (PC, PS4) � July 19
- The Banner Saga 2 (PS4, Xbox One) � July 26
- Valentino Rossi The Game (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � July 26
- We Happy Few (PC, Xbox One) � Xbox Game Preview and Steam Early Access � July 26
- Obduction (PC) � July 26
- Batman: Return to Arkham (PS4, Xbox One) � July 26
- Fallout 4 Vault-Tec Workshop DLC � (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � July
- Pokemon GO � (Mobile) � July
Yuhuuu pecinta anime Attack on Titan kini ada seri gamenya wah ada seri kelanjutan dari deus ex nih.
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
- The Division: DLC 1 Underground (PS4) � August 2
- Abz� (PC, PS4) � August 2
- Livelock � (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � August 2
- Escape from Tarkov alpha � (PC) � August 4
- No Man�s Sky (PC, PS4) � August 9
- Bound � (PS4) � August 16
- Metroid Prime: Federation Force � (3DS) � August 19
- F1 2016 � (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � August 19
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � August 23
- Madden NFL 17 � (PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One) � August 23
- The King of Fighters 14 � (PS4) � August 23 NA, 26 EU
- Assetto Corsa (PS4, Xbox One) � August 26 EU, 30 US
- Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom (PC, PS3, PS4, Vita, Xbox One) � August 26 EU, 30 US
- World of Warcraft: Legion (PC) � August 30
- Verdun � (PS4, Xbox One) � August 30
- Darkest Dungeon � (PS4, Vita) � July/August
- Fallout 4 Nuka-World DLC � (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � August
- Grow Up (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � August
- Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope (PC) Early Access � Summer
Game legend lagi nih Final Fantasy kini rilis seri terbarunya seri ke-15 dengan hal-hal yang menakjubkan dan gameplay yang seru action yang lebih terasa dan grafik yang memanjakan mata.
- XCOM 2 (PS4, Xbox One) � September 6
- Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness (PS4, Vita) � September 13
- ReCore (PC, Xbox One) � September 13
- Dragon Quest 7: Fragments of the Forgotten Past (3DS) � September 16
- Destiny: Rise of Iron (PS4, Xbox One) � September 20
- Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice (3DS) � September 27
- Forza Horizon 3 (PC, Xbox One) � September 27
- FIFA 17 (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One) � September 29
- Final Fantasy XV (PS4, Xbox One) � September 30
- Yo-Kai Watch 2 (3DS) � September 30
- NBA 2K17 (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One) � September
- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney � Spirit of Justice (3DS) � September
- The Division: DLC 2 Survival (30 days early on Xbox One) � Summer
- Hawken (PS4, Xbox One) � Summer
Siapa sih yang ga sabar nunggu game yang kembali ke tema Word of War ya game Battlefield 1 jadi taruhannya disini pasalnya game ini sangat laris dari segi trailernya dan sudah banyak perdebatan di kalangan gamers tentunya. dan tentunya gak kalah seru juga yang lainnya yaitu game Mafia III dan Gears of War 4 akan rilis bulan ini sudahkah anda bermain Mafia dan Gears of war seri sebelumnya?
- Mafia 3 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � October 7
- Gears of War 4 (beta April 18) (Xbox One) � October 11
- Moto Racer 4 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � October 13
- PlayStation VR � October 13
- Rez Infinite (PS4, PS VR) � October 13
- Battlefield 1 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � October 21
- Civilization 6 (PC) � October 21
- The Last Guardian (PS4) � October 25
- Titanfall 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � October 28
- The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � October 28
- Dragon Quest Builders (PS4, Vita) � October
- Batman: Arkham VR (PSVR) � October
- WWE 2K17 (PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One) � October
Kali ini giliran Call of Duty yang menyerang tapi sangat disayangkan game ini lebih banyak hate ketimbang sukanya kenapa demikian? karena game ini terlalu modern malah lebih modern ketimbang dari game-game sebelumnya yang mereka rilis. yang di tunggu-tunggu adalah game watch dog 2 sangat lebih baik ketimbang seri sebelumnya.
- Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � November 4
- Dishonored 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � November 11
- Gran Turismo Sport (PS4) � November 15
- Watch Dogs 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � November 15
- Pokemon Sun and Moon (3DS) � November 18
Game yang saya tunggu bulan ini adalah game Steep game ini mengusung tema sport dan terlebih ini genre extreme sport.
- Steep (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � December
- Syberia 3 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � December 1
- South Park: The Fractured But Whole (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � December 6
- Dead Rising 4 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � December 6
- The Wild Eight (PC, Xbox One) � December
- Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 (PS4) � December
Game yang delay dan menunggu pengumuman konfirmasi di tahun 2017
- Scalebound (PC, Xbox One)
- Sea of Thieves (PC, Xbox One)
- Agents of Mayhem (PC, PS4, Xbox One)
- Crackdown 3 (Xbox One)
- Detroit: Become Human (PS4)
- Crash Bandicoot 1-3 remasters (PS4)
- Overkill�s The Walking Dead (PC, PS4, Xbox One)
- Nier: Automata (PS4)
- Resident Evil 7 (PC, PS4, PSVR, Xbox One) � January 24
- Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � January 27
- Strafe (PC)
- State of Decay 2 (PC, Xbox One)
- Torment: Tides of Numenera (PC) � Q1 2017
- Hitman [disc version] (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � January
- For Honor (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � February 14
- Sniper Elite 4 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � February 14
- Halo Wars 2 (PC, Xbox One) � February 21
- Persona 5 (PS4) � February 14
- Ghost Recon: Wildlands (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � March 7
- Tekken 7 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � Early 2017
- Pyre (PC, PS4) � 2017
- Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age (PS4) � 2017
- Need for Speed title (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � 2017
- The Church in the Darkness (PC, PS4) � Early 2017
- Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � 2017
- Tales of Berseria (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � Spring 2017
- Mass Effect: Andromeda (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � Early 2017
- Berserk (Omega Force IP) (PC, PS4, Vita) � 2017
- Dawn of War 3 (PC) � 2017
- Fe (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � 2017
- Days Gone (PS4) � 2017
- Agony (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � 2017
- Injustice 2 (PS4, Xbox One) � 2017
- Phantom Dust Remaster (Xbox One) � 2017
- Death Stranding (PS4)
- God of War (PS4)
- Spider-Man game from Insomniac (PS4)
- Fallout 4 VR (PC HTC Vive) � 2017
- Doom VR (PC HTC Vive) � 2017
- Quake Champions (PC) � 2017
- Raiders of the Broken Planet (PC, PS4) � 2017
- Prey (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � 2017
- Kingdom Come: Deliverance (PC, PS4) � 2017
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Wii U, NX) � 2017
- Yooka-Laylee (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � Q1 2017
- Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4) � February 28
- Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor � Martyr (PC, PS4, Xbox One)
[Extra] Game yang hanya menunggu jadwal rilisnya kapan.??
Apakah disini ada daftar game yang di tunggu oleh player?
- Below (PC, Xbox One)
- Battlezone 98 (PC) � Spring
- Carmageddon: Max Damage (PC, PS4, Xbox One)
- Dead Rising 4 (PC, Xbox One) � Holiday
- H1Z1: King of the Kill (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � Summer
- Prison Architect (PS4, Xbox One) � Spring
- Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade � (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � Summer
- Deus Ex Go � (Mobile) � Summer
- Superhot VR (Oculus Rift)
- Sunless Sea: Zubmariner � (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � Fall
- Rock of Ages 2 � (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � Fall
- Here They Lie � (PS4, PSVR) � Fall
- Hollow Knight: Beneath and Beyond � (PC, Wii U)
- Frozen Synapse 2 (PC)
- Friday the 13th: The Game � (PC)
- Far Point � (PSVR)
- Conan Exiles � (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � Early access in Summer
- BATMAN � The Telltale Series (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One) � Summer
- Cuphead (PC, Xbox One)
- Dreadnought (PC)
- Gravity Rush 2 (PS4)
- Hellblade (PC, PS4)
- JoJo�s Bizarre Adventure Eyes of Heaven (PS4)
- LawBreakers (PC)
- Gwent: The Witcher Card Game (PC, PS4, Xbox One)
- Let it Die (PS4)
- Furi (PS4)
- Resident Evil 4 re-release (PS4, Xbox One) � Fall
- Mirage: Arcade Warfare (PC)
- Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord (PC)
- Jotun: Valhalla Edition (PS4, Xbox One) � Summer
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One)
- Fallout Shelter (PC)
- NiOh (PS4)
- Necropolis (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � Summer
- Neverwinter (PS4) � Summer
- Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom (PC, PS4, Xbox One)
- Farming Simulator 2017 (PC, PS4, Xbox One)
- Neverending Nightmares (PS4, Vita) � Quarter 2
- Outlast 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One)
- Paragon (PC, PS4)
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One) � Fall
- God Eater Resurrection (PS4, PSVita)
- God Eater 2 Rage Burst (PS4, PSVita)
- Rhythm Heaven Megamix (3DS)
- Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 (3DS) � Summer
- Rise of the Tomb Raider (PS4)
- Rising Storm 2: Vietnam (PC)
- Star Wars Battlefront: X-Wing VR Mission (PSVR)
- The Elder Scrolls: Legends (PC, iOS, Android) � 2016
- The Culling (PC)
- Paper Mario: Color Splash (Wii U)
- Postal Redux (PS4) � Quarter 4
- NeuroVoider (PS4) � Spring
- Shadow Warrior 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One)
- Shadow Complex Remastered (PS4, Xbox One)
- Styx: Shards of Darkness (PC, PS4, Xbox One)
- Star Trek Online (PS4, Xbox One) � Fall
- Star Trek: Bridge Crew (PSVR, Rift, Vive) � Fall
- ARK: Survival Evolved (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � official launch � Holiday 2016
- The Division: DLC 3 Last Stand (PC, PS4, Xbox One) � Winter
- Sword Art Onine Hollow Realization (PS4)
- The Walking Dead: Season 3 (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One) � Fall
- World of Final Fantasy (PS4, PSVita)
- Sword Coast Legends (PS4, Xbox One) � Spring
Source : - Release dates: every game confirmed for 2016